Dental Treatment

Dental Treatment

Aims to diagnose, prevent, and treat oral and dental health problems.

Dental Implant Treatment in Istanbul

1.What is Dental Treatment?

Dental treatment is a broad medical practice area aimed at diagnosing, preventing, and treating various oral and dental health issues. Dental treatment aims to meet a variety of needs, ranging from aesthetic concerns to serious health problems. Some important treatments and procedures in this area are as follows:

Dental Treatments Applied in Periodontics

a. Tooth Decay Treatment

Summary: Tooth decay arises from factors like poor oral hygiene and consumption of sugary foods. Bacteria in our mouths produce acid, especially after eating carbohydrates and sugary foods, dissolving tooth enamel and causing decay. Symptoms include tooth color changes, sensitivity, and pain. If detected in the early stage, fluoride treatments can cure it. Otherwise, various treatment methods like fillings or crowns are applied. In advanced stages, root canal treatment or tooth extraction may be necessary. Regular dentist visits and X-rays are important for detecting tooth decay. Modern filling types made with CAD/CAM technology are also available.  

In summary, regular oral care and dental check-ups are essential to prevent and treat tooth decay in the early stages.

Detailed information on "Decay Treatment"

b. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment

Summary: Bruxism is known as the habit of grinding teeth and usually occurs unnoticed. This condition, which can cause various pains and discomforts, particularly increases during stressful periods, like the COVID-19 pandemic. Treatment generally aims to prevent tooth damage and reduce pain; if sleep disorders are present, referral to a sleep medicine specialist is made; for psychological issues, therapy is suggested. Physical problems in teeth like fractures or fillings can also cause bruxism. While drug treatments are generally not effective, muscle relaxants and antidepressants can be used. Masseter Botox is a method used nowadays to support teeth grinding treatment. Botox relaxes the muscles by reducing electrical signals in the muscles. This painless procedure usually starts to show its effect on the 3rd day and remains effective for 3-6 months. However, it is not applied to individuals who are pregnant, nursing, allergic, or have neuromuscular disorders.

Detailed information on "Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment"

c. Root Canal Treatment

Summary:Root canal treatment is a method used to preserve oral health and is generally applied to severely decayed or infected teeth. If tooth decay reaches the pulp tissue or the nerve tissue of the tooth, severe pain and inflammation occur. In this case, the nerve tissue must be removed. Treatment is performed by dentists or endodontists and usually takes place under local anesthesia. First, the condition of the tooth is assessed with X-rays or tomography. Then, the root canal is cleaned and filled using special tools. The treatment can last between 30-90 minutes, and multiple sessions may be necessary. Generally, there is no pain after treatment, but antibiotics or pain relievers may be prescribed. With proper care and regular dentist visits, the tooth can be used healthily for many years.

Detailed information on "Root Canal Treatment"

d. Metal-Substructure Porcelain Treatment

Özet:Metal alt yapılı porselenler, diş hekimliğinde sıklıkla kullanılan sabit protezlerdir ve dayanıklı metal alaşımlarından yapılırlar. Üzerlerine porselen tozları eklenerek diş formu ve rengi verilir. Estetik olarak Zirkonyum ve Tam Seramik gibi materyallere göre daha az tercih edilse de, ekonomik bir seçenektir. Uygulama, dişlerin durumunu değerlendiren röntgenler ve gerekli tedavileri takiben, birkaç seans içinde tamamlanabilir. Genellikle 3-10 gün arasında süre gerektirir. Metal alt yapılı porselenler uzun ömürlü ve dayanıklıdır fakat estetik açıdan ve alerji riski yönünden dezavantajları da vardır. Fiyatları diğer estetik kaplamalara göre daha uygun olup, detaylı bilgi için kliniğe başvurulabilir.

Detailed information on "Metal-Substructure Porcelain Treatment"

3.Why is Dental Treatment Done?

Dental treatment is done to maintain oral hygiene, treat cavities, prevent tooth loss, resolve aesthetic issues, and treat other health issues related to the mouth.

4.Who is Suitable for Dental Treatment?

Practically suitable for all age groups. Treatment needs are determined by considering age, health status, and special circumstances.

5.Who is Not Suitable for Dental Treatment?

Some treatments may not be suitable for individuals with certain systemic diseases or specific medical conditions (for example, bleeding disorders).

6.How is Dental Treatment Done?

Dental treatment ranges from simple fillings, root canal treatments, orthodontic treatments, dental implants to surgical procedures

7.How Long Does Dental Treatment Take?

TTreatment duration varies depending on the type of treatment applied and the patient's needs. A simple filling can be completed in a few hours, whereas implants or orthodontic treatments may take months or even years.

8.Dental Treatment: Pros and Cons

Pros: Improves oral health, can improve aesthetics, alleviates pain and discomfort.  

Cons: May be costly, the treatment process can be long and arduous, and there is sometimes a risk of complications.

9.Factors Affecting Cost

The type of treatment, materials used, the experience of the dentist, and geographic location can affect the cost.

In general, consulting a dentist is the best course of action for dental treatment. The dentist will prepare an appropriate treatment plan and provide all the necessary information.

"Dental treatment encompasses various medical practices to diagnose, prevent, and treat oral and dental health issues. These treatments cover a broad range of needs, from aesthetic improvements to serious health concerns."
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