Surgical Prosthesis
The screw-retained prosthesis provides aesthetics and functionality, and quick cleaning.
The screw-retained prosthesis provides aesthetics and functionality, and quick cleaning.
In other words, implants manufactured using the screw-toothtechnique or prostheses screw-supported over implants are fastened, not stuck.In the past ten years, this technique, which has been utilized at an increasingpace over the past 30 years, has gained a lot of popularity. Due to the factthat screwed prostheses today have many benefits over cemented (bonded)prosthesis. Very accurate screwed prosthesis necessitate a thoroughinvestigation in the lab and the clinic. The expertise of the clinic and laboratorywhere you operate is crucial.
We have been monitoring the screwedness of implantprostheses in our clinic for many years. Sometimes it is impossible to create ascrewed prosthesis because of an angle, occlusion, adjacent teeth, etc. Ourfirst preference is usually a screwed prosthesis, though.
-Not using an adhesive substance in the mouth has manybenefits.
-The screw may be promptly removed when necessary because itis very simple to install and remove. Problems with abutment screw looseningare extremely simple to fix.
-During the control, if a questionable scenario is found, itcan be taken out and examined right away.
-If any maintenance is necessary, it can be taken out withoutbecoming damaged and submitted to the lab.
-extremely precise clinical and laboratory procedures.
-Cemented (adhesive) prostheses are less expensive thanprosthetic components and manufacture.
-cannot be applied in all cases due to the implant position.